[MaraDNS list] How to resolve external domain names using MaraDNS in windows 7

Sam Trenholme maradns at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 16:28:47 EST 2012

To be honest, I had a really unpleasant experience on Karl's IRC
network which left a pretty bad taste in my mouth and resulted in me
judging his other actions more harshly than I otherwise would have.

I ended up going public about my unpleasant experience with his
network and someone ended up inviting me to go to the Linpeople IRC
network instead, where people were a lot nicer.  Other people agreed:
Linpeople still exists today as Freenode; the LinuxNET IRC network (as
well as all of Karl's other Internet projects) is at most a footnote
in Linux's history.

The form of that joke I found funny is telling people trying to break
in to computers arcane commands telling them to do really stupid

For example, there was once a Bugtraq posting describing a security
weakness in Apache for Windows where people could look at the
filesystem by going to http://victim.com/...... Well, some people went
to that literal web page thinking they would get some elite hacking
information or something, so the admin set up this page:


- Sam

> I know this makes me a wicked, nasty person, but I always found the
> results friggin' hilarious.  Some of the material's still available:
> http://www.petting-zoo.net/~deadbeef/archive/150.html

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