[MaraDNS list] Memory allocation limits on OpenBSD

Özgür Kazanççı ozgurkazancci at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 22:20:38 EDT 2013

Hello everyone.
I've installed MaraDNS today, by fetching maradns-1.4.12.tar.gz, then doing
a make, and make install.

The setup went fine. However MaraDNS always reports the following warning:

"Jun  9 05:14:17 tstusr maradns: WARNING: Your system does not allow
setting memory allocation limits! Log: All RRs have been loaded"

How can I stop that warning?

# maradns -v
This is MaraDNS version 1.4.12
Compiled on a OpenBSD system at Sun Jun 9 05:06:48 EEST 2013
For usage information, 'man maradns'

OS: OpenBSD 5.3

2nd question: The MaraDNS package in OpenBSD pkgs seems quite old;
maradns- There's now 1.4.12, even 2.0.07, I wonder
is there any "license issue" that it doesn't get updated anymore in OpenBSD?


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