duende Does Not Work Under FreeBSD

Lew Payne lew.payne at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 16:38:58 EDT 2008

Sam - Thanks for your reply regarding FreeBSD.  When you and I last
tested (more than a year ago), we concluded that maradns is indeed
producing messages as it should (under FreeBSD), but that for some
reason duende was not...

1) getting those messages via its pipe mechanism, or...
2) duende was not properly communicating with syslog

... under the FreeBSD flavor of things.  To avoid this problem, I had
to change the startup file (of which is showed a diff today) so that
the output of maradns went to logger instead.  For those who suspect
my syslog is discarding the messages, it is not.  I have specifically
turned on all logging to temporarily debug this, and I've set up
specific handlers for the processes themselves.

Bottom line:  maradns logs fine using (system) logger, but does not
log using duende.

This is an informational message so that others on FreeBSD systems can
google and find it if they're having the same issues, now or in the
future.  Modify your /usr/local/etc/rc.d/maradns.sh startup script
according to the previous diff that I posted in this same thread.

Thank you all.

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