flushing dns cache

Sam Trenholme strenholme.usenet at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 12:01:54 EDT 2009

> my question is; how does one flush the dns cache?

OK, I should make a FAQ about this.

If by "flush the cache" you mean "write the contents of the cache to
disk", the way to do it is as follows:

In Windows, with both the 2.3 and 2.4 branches of Deadwood:

net stop Deadwood
net start Deadwood

In CentOS 5, using Duende to start Deadwood 2.3 [1]:

kill -HUP $( ps auxw | grep DwMain | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' )

In CentOS 5, starting Deadwood 2.3 another way:

kill -USR1 $( ps auxw | grep DwMain | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' )

In CentOS 5, using Duende to start Deadwood 2.4:

kill -HUP $( ps auxw | grep Deadwood | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' )

In CentOS 5, starting Deadwood 2.4 another way:

kill -USR1 $( ps auxw | grep Deadwood | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' )

If you wish to remove the cache altogether, you will need to erase the
cache file before restarting Deadwood.  This is done in Windows by
entering the directory where Deadwood is installed and doing the

net stop Deadwood
del dw_cache_bin
net start Deadwood

(This assumes the location of the cache file has not been altered;
make sure cache_file points to this file, which it should if you
haven't changed in the dwood2rc.txt file)

To erase the cache in CentOS 5, stop the Deadwood (DwMain in Deadwood
2.3) process, remove the file /etc/deadwood/dw_cache (this may be in a
different location or have a different filename, depending on how
chroot_dir and cache_file are set), and restart Deadwood.

- Sam

[1] Yes, I know about killall, and no, I don't use it because killall
reboots the system in Solaris.

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