Deadwood 2.9.04 released

Sam Trenholme strenholme.usenet at
Fri Aug 13 19:31:26 EDT 2010

Deadwood 2.9.04 released.

This is Deadwood 2.9.03 with a couple of notable bugfixes:

* Updated EDNS handling to treat EDNS packets as if the OPT record
does not exist and we're getting a RFC1035 DNS packet.  If the
behavior of returning NOTIMPL to EDNS packets is preferred, this can
be enabled by defining "STRICT_RFC2671_COMPLIANCE" when compiling

* DNS queries are now case-insensitive, with case preserved for the
query originally sent to Deadwood (just in case a stub resolver
violates RFC1035 and is case sensitive)

This is a beta-test release of Deadwood. The code has only been
beta-tested for under a month and I want to get two full months of
beta testing before declaring it stable. I really appreciate all of
the bugs and issues Sebastian Müller has reported and hope other
people also test this software and report issues.

Right now, the kinds of bugs I want people to look for and report in
Deadwood are host names that do not resolve. If there is a host out
there that correctly resolves in BIND or whatever, but doesn’t resolve
in Deadwood, I want to know about it. I also want to know about any
memory leaks people find in Deadwood. I welcome reports of crashes,
but only if accompanied by a stack trace or recipe to reproduce the
crash (ideally both). Valgrind errors are OK to report, but only if
Deadwood is compiled with “VALGRIND_NOERRORS” defined (export
FLAGS='-g -DVALGRIND_NOERRORS' ; make from the src/  directory of
Deadwood). I would love people to test IPv6 compatibility with
Deadwood; the SQA regressions tell me Deadwood works with IPv6, but I
would love reports from users on IPv6 networks to see if they are any
real-world problems with it (IPv6 needs to be explicitly enabled when
compiling Deadwood: export FLAGS='-O3 -DIPV6' ; make ).

I am not aware of any hostnames that Deadwood can not resolve but
other DNS servers can resolve.

Deadwood 2.9.04 can be downloaded here:

- Sam

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