FreeBSD Maradns logging

Aleksandar Simic asimic at
Thu Mar 18 19:14:58 EDT 2010


I see that logging under FreeBSD was mentioned on the list here:

and that it was resolved and bloged about here:

However the addition in /etc/syslog.conf of: <tab><tab><tab><tab>/var/log/daemon

is still required along with:

touch /var/log/daemon && chown root:wheel /var/log/daemon \
&& chmod 640 /var/log/daemon && kill -HUP $(pgrep syslogd)

Otherwise, the same symptoms as before: nothing is being passed to
syslogd and nothing is to be found in /var/log/messages.

This is on FreeBSD 8-STABLE.

Are there any other FreeBSD users seeing the same issue?

Also, the rc.d scripts supplied with the FreeBSD port of maradns don't
stop the service. I've created the fixes, which are very trivial that
remedies this. It consists of commenting out/deleting the following


This is applicable for maradns & zoneserver.

I thought I'd post it here first to see if there are any FreeBSD users
who might comment on it. I suppose this might be applicable to NetBSD
too, as they are using the same rc.d system.

If I don't hear anything I'll post it to FreeBSD ports mail list.


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