Some kind of PCRE

Sam Trenholme strenholme.usenet at
Fri May 21 14:05:02 EDT 2010

> currently got a few(~90) domains, which I could size-down, so I asked
> myself if it wouldn't be a nice feature for upcoming maradns 2, to be
> able to use small kinds of regular expressions.

I will spare everyone a repeat of the “how much would you pay me to
implement that” lecture.

> Anyone knows if something like that would be against RFC(or something
> alike)?

It’s not against the RFCs, but it is against the goal of making a
high-performance DNS server.

I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine how using
regular expressions in DNS nodes would affect the Landau notation of
name resolution with a DNS server.  To correctly solve this problem,
knowledge of hash functions and how they are utilized by MaraDNS will
be essential.

- Sam

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