[MaraDNS list] AlfaDNS...

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Sat Apr 30 22:29:14 EDT 2011

Hi! Bradley,
nice to get you on line at a right place. Time flows.
Yes it took all that time to force my vision of diversity support 
into the IETF (swallowed but very far from being digested).

At 01:06 30/04/2011, Rick Moen wrote:
>It seems that Jefsey aims to serve a specialised niche, ML-DNS, which
>expands to either multilayered DNS, and involves DNS being more closely
>integrated into 'extended naming functions' at higher layers in the
>software stack.  At a guess, he's still in the design phase.

Yes. There are many issues involved as ML-DNS is to be building a top 
of IDNA2008 (RFC 5890-5895) we consensually approved with it in mind. 
I had to clarify with IAB if this was IETF scope or not, and since it 
is not (RFC 6050 is the IETF current border) how to liaise (through 
the http://iucg.org/wiki iucg at ietf.org low traffic mailing list) and 
how to organize myself for the years to come.

alfaDNS is also a way to explore an ML-DNS prototype, including 
external development like IDNA2008 libraries that are on the verge to 
be released.

Also, I investigate the proper architecture and language for the 
port. I definitely agree with Sam about Linux. My background for 
network development years ago was Tymnet and then QNX which 
unfortunately is commercial. My area is the IUI (Intelligent Use 
Interface between the user's plug and the digital ecosystem systems), 
so I have the experience that I may not necessarily be tied to 
Windows or linux.

Last but not least I was tied by personal issues for the last two 
years what limited my working capacity. Slow but determined.
I am glad Sam is able to spend sponsored time again.


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