[MaraDNS list] Deadwood timing out on lookup

Steve Fatula compconsultant at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 5 16:54:39 EDT 2011

I have Deadwood 3.0.03 on Centos. I key in the following command:

dig -t txt

And I get, after 30 seconds or so:

;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

I am using deadwood as a caching nameserver. So, using upstream_servers as follows:

upstream_servers = {}
upstream_servers["."] = ","

If I dig @  -t txt, I get a response. Same for the other server. So... it's not the upstream servers.

All our other servers that do not use deadwood work just fine with this dig. So, not sure what the issue is. In this case, there is no txt record for the query. When there is a txt record, it works fine (for other IPs).

So, why would it take so very long and then timeout? 

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