SOLVED! Why doesn't Maradns start at boot time?

Sam Trenholme strenholme.usenet at
Wed Aug 27 12:14:45 EDT 2008

> Greg has emailed me directly and I've since updated the package.
> Though yes, in future, please use `reportbug` and go through the
> Debian BTS.

Thank you very much for doing that!

> Sam, you should try as a replacement
> window manager.

I kinda like the idea of the Ion window manager too:

A little more bloated than DWM, but it has LUA scripting support.  LUA
is a cool "micro language" which I am familiar with because a Doom
Random Level generator that I have hacked with uses LUA for the core
code that makes the levels, and C++ with FLTK for the GUI frontend.
For people interested in my side projects, check out my geek blog,
which also has all MaraDNS updates:

- Sam

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