documentation modification

jefsey jefsey at
Wed Dec 22 14:49:13 EST 2010

At 16:19 22/12/2010, Sam Trenholme wrote:
>Note that I will provide my own assessment of the state of the
>software on this page; I've seen a lot of DNS projects with big plans
>which never happen over the years.

Absolutely. The project is NOT operational by far, and the target is 
ONLY experimental at this stage. Actually the ML-DNS concept may be 
controverted for a while. So I would advise you to NOT link alfaDNS 
until the project has taken off ands is backed by the community. In 
the other way, alfaDNS afficionados will acknowledge the MaraDNS 
contribution : even if they are a few thousands it will already be that.

>(Note to self: is now owned by a squatter)

Thank-you. As I said I personnally have not much time, but this is a 
project that has to go through. It may take time however.


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