[MaraDNS list] how do I configure separate servers for internal and external DNS on the same host in version 2.0?

Sam Trenholme maradns at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 05:42:09 EDT 2013

> To upgrade to version 2, I think I'd need to run 3 servers on the machine: one
> instance of deadwood to provide recursive lookups for my local hosts, one copy
> of maradns to serve our internal intranet DNS lookups, and another copy facing
> the external world.

That is correct.

> In order for me to run the internal maradns server, I think
> I would need to bind it to a port other than 53, since deadwood will bind to
> port 53 on localhost and on the internal NIC addresses, and the external
> maradns binds to port 53 on the internet NIC addresses.

If using Linux, the way to do this is to have the authoritative
MaraDNS instance bind to a localhost IP like; Linux very
nicely correctly gives localhost an entire /8 [1], and a server on,
say, can be a different server than the one on

> The deadwood config
> file has an upstream_port variable, but I don't see a way to have different
> port values for different upstream servers.

There, alas, isn't one.

>  The easy solution is to run the internal
> copy of maradns on a different host, but I'd prefer to keep it on the same
> host if possible.

If using, say Windows, or FreeBSD, localhost only has one IP, so this
is the only way to go about this.

- Sam

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