duende Does Not Work Under FreeBSD

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Aug 26 15:09:33 EDT 2008

Quoting Greg Platt - Platt Consultants (GregPlatt at ix.netcom.com):

> For the record, Lew, the Debian install of Mara does not use the duende
> program at all -- either for logging or for mara initiation. I've forgotten
> the name of the utility used to "daemon-ize" mara at this moment, but it's
> definitely NOT duende. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out exactly
> where the mara run-time log gets placed on Debian either.

If it's anything like Ubuntu - which seems very likely - than it's BSD
syslog's logger(3) utility, logging Mara's data into /var/log/daemon.log .

The exact startup line in Ubuntu's /etc/init.d/maradns script is:

--exec $DAEMON -- -f $rcfile </dev/null 2>&1 | logger -p daemon.notice -t $SERVERNAME 2>/dev/null

(Ubuntu has shifted away from SysVInit to "StartUp", an event-driven
alternative init.  Debian retains the classic SysVInit.)

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