I have found and fixed the Duende FreeBSD problem

Lew Payne lew.payne at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 13:31:51 EDT 2008

Sam - I didn't really expect you to be able to take a look at this,
much less fix it.  I know it's a pain in the ass to set up another OS
just to test things out.  I will give this a try over the next few
weeks (with version 1.2).  The thing is, when I tested last year, I
even did a "catch all" and still did not see any duende output,


*.*           /var/log/maradns
!duende   /var/log/maradns

and then as I got more angry, I did the following...


*.*          /var/log/all.log

... and in each instance I did a SIGHUP to make sure syslog reloaded
its configuration.  In the last case, it was logging plenty of system
activity (basically everything), but still no duende.  So I will
carefully give your suggestion a try on a spare box.  Also, if it's
simply a matter of needing a box to play on, I'm perfectly willing to
give you ssh access to a spare box here.

Lew Payne
Boise Stock Exchange

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Sam Trenholme
<strenholme.usenet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since someone sponsoring MaraDNS uses FreeBSD on the server side, I
> was able to reproduce and resolve the problem with "duende" (MaraDNS'
> daemonizer) not logging messages.
> There are two ways of resolving it, one that the sysadmin can
> implement, and one that I have implemented.
> It would appear that FreeBSD's syslog daemon does not log Duende's
> messages by default. In order to fix this, we first must create a
> /var/log/daemon file, which will log all of MaraDNS' messages (or any
> other messages created by a program that logs files with a "facility"
> of LOG_DAEMON and a priority of LOG_INFO).
> Next, we need to edit /etc/syslog.conf to add a line like this:
> daemon.info /var/log/daemon
> (That should be a tab, but just a space should work in FreeBSD)
> Please be sure to add this line *before* any lines that begin with a
> '!' character or a '+' character in the /etc/syslog.conf file.
> This is the fix for MaraDNS 1.2 and stable MaraDNS 1.3.
> For the development 1.3 branch, I changed the Duende code to have it
> so, when compiled in FreeBSD (#ifdef __FREEBSD__), it logs messages as
> "daemon.alert" (which is logged in FreeBSD's default /etc/syslog.conf)
> instead of "daemon.info" (which isn't logged).
> I have updated the MaraDNS snapshot to incorporate this change:
> http://www.maradns.org/download/snap/1.3/200809/
> It took me about a day to find the issue and resolve this; a lot of
> the work was just getting FreeBSD working in VMware. Things like
> configuring the virtual interface VMware uses and then figuring out
> how to ssh to and from the VMware instance of FreeBSD (ssh
> -l username). Once that was going, it didn't take too
> long to fix the Duende problem ("man syslog" helped a lot)
> Since I now have a working FreeBSD VMware image, I can more fully
> support FreeBSD.

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